Monday, March 5, 2012

Warriors Don't hit the Snooze Button.

Warriors have things to do.  Warriors wake up ready to go and thankful to have the opportunity to live and breathe another day.

Not me.  I wake up every morning saying "SURELY NOT YET!"

I say awful things like "I can't possibly get up and face the day.  Not yet."
And then I hit the snooze button.

Because I can.  That button will magically make my alarm go off in another 5 minutes.  And it won't be thaaaat different than getting up when I was supposed to.  And then 5 minutes more.  And 5 more.  And before long, I've spent 30 minutes saying NOT YET when I could have been saying BRING IT ON!

But it's not just the snooze button.  How often do I put off tasks because they will be there tomorrow?  I put off teaching my children something because I can always do it another day.  I put off getting organized or cleaning the floors.  I put off exercise because I just don't want to.  I put off joy and I put off learning.  I put off growing.  But I don't want to snoozebutton through life.

Warriors do not snoozebutton through life!  Warriors seize opportunities.  They remember why that alarm was set and get up to meet the task.  They do not put off things until tomorrow that can be done today.  Because tomorrow is not promised to a warrior.  Or to any of us, really.  But warriors remember that.  And they say BRING IT ON!

So this week, I will not hit the snooze button.  The actual one.  I may not manage to say Bring It On, but I will try to not grumble.  And I'll work on the figurative snooze button in life as well.

Because I am a warrior.

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